
As we move into the heat of summer it's a good time to make sure your roof is in good condition. Roof repair and restoration is one of those things that, left too late, can cost you a lot more than an insurance premium. Furthermore your roof can take up to 40% of the exterior of your home, a professional roof restoration will greatly improve the overall appearance of the home and it's value.

Every roof is different and weather conditions around Australia vary dramatically, however there are some early signs that you should look for regardless of your geographic location. If you spot any of these signs then it's probably a good time to call in the professionals to restore your roof.

Cement Tile Roofs

Cement Tile Roofs tend to last about 12- 15 years depending on a number of factors before they are in need of a roof restoration. A good way to see if your cement tile roof is in need of restoration is to look for any cracked, broken or chipped tiles and whether the ridge capping needs to be re-pointed. In addition you'll want to look for colour fading or any moss, lichen and fungus on the roof.

The solution:

The Modern Group of Companies offers a 5-step process to the best looking roof on your street.

Step 1: Replace all broken and damaged tiles.

Step 2. Pressure clean all dirt, moss, lichen and fungus from the roof.

Step 3: Re-bed and Re-Point morter where necessary.

Step 4. Seal tiles by applying a sealer coat.

Step 5. Re-colour with the Moderns exclusive 'Colour Shield'.

Terracotta Tile Roofs

Terracotta Tile Roofs tend to last about 12-15 years before it is in need of a terracotta tile maintenance package. A good way to check if your terracotta tile roof is in need of maintenance is to look for cracked or broken tiles and leaks from the roof.

The solution:

A Modern Terracotta Tile Roof Restoration involves a 33-point roof inspection which is used to determine which course of action to take when it comes to making your roof look and feel like new again.

All too often this important step is neglected and the result is coatings that peel, wash off and even fade away. At Modern we take pride in our work and ensure the job is done right, the first time, without the use of coatings or paint used in the market.

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